
Hello there! My name is Kristy.

I am a storyteller; words are my playground. For as long as I can remember, I have found joy in creating imaginary worlds and exploring them. It is through stories that I believe we find the essence of what it means to be human. Fantasy is my first love and what I write.

Fun fact: In 2011, I won a short story contest that was guest judged by then debut author Veronica Roth.

Hobbies: reading, writing, walking the puppy, soccer

Things with which I am madly in love: books, dogs, and tea.

Current WIP: Codename Project PT is a YA Fantasy with magical people and kingdoms on the brink of war.

(Some of) My Favorite Authors: Tamora Pierce, Marissa Meyer, Holly Black, Brandson Sanderson, L.M. Montgomery, Jane Austen

(Some of) My Favorite Books: The Seer and the Sword, Snow-Walker, Howl's Moving Castle, The Name of the Wind

* I didn't include my favorite authors' books in my list of favorite books. It can be presumed that many of their works would make the list.

** This is not a comprehensive list and will be updated as I remember works I love. To see more of my favorite works, visit my Goodreads page (link on right sidebar).